Definition: Meta element\tag are codes placed in the ‘’Head’’ section of the code which defines the contents of your web page, they help the search engine bots to identify the content on the web page. In other words Metadata is the information about the web page the Meta tag provides, Meta Tags help the search engine to an extent.
To identify if a landing page or a web page is using Meta tag and if you want to discover the Meta tags used, right click on the web page that you wish to check for Meta tags & click on view source page; under the “Head” section you will be able to identify the same.
Types of Meta Tags
Meta Description: A concise narrative of the page, this is an important and beneficial meta tag, the description might not always show up as Google most often picks up snippet of content in form of text from the web page, when a user goggles for a phrase the text snippet which contains the phrase will be picked up as search result.
Meta Title Tag: The text which is displayed on top panel of the browser, this is the title which Search engine recognizes as title of the web page. This is useful for Audience and Search engine alike, having a primary title has these benefits.
Meta Keyword: the set of keywords that is relevant on the landing\web page. The Term Keyword stuffing describes it best, when page views was the goal for online marketers, the use of irrelevant keyword to the content or landing page was used, eventually this practice was ended as Search engine such as google decided to discontinue this tool.
Robot Attribute: the key indicators for crawlers\bots\web spiders as to what needs to be done with the landing\web page. It conveys information to search engine whether the page should be listed for search result and if the page to be followed via links or not.
Conclusion: From the above listed four attributes we can understand that Meta description, Title & descriptive tags all has to work together to give a better search result for the end user, where title tag has an impact on search engine, the meta\descriptive tags can visitors\audience to view your content on the desired landing page.