Definition: link building is the process of manually encouraging people to link to your website from there's
Why is link building important in SEO?
A key factor in Search result ranking is not how interesting your content is but how many people think your content is interesting, this is one the key element for Search engines to identify how high your page should be placed in a search result. Back links are a signal to search engines that the content on your web page is of high-quality resource that people want to refer to.
In other words websites with more back links tend to have a higher ranking on search results.
Hence building quality back links for your website\web page is important as the content you have on your web page.
Google support says “in general webmasters can improve the rank of their sites by increasing the number of high-quality sites that link to their pages”
How to effectively build high-quality back links to your website
The hard truth now is the process of getting other websites to link to your website is a difficult task.
The new trend is to Share a content form a web page if found interesting on social media than they are to link to it from the blog\web page that's why it's more important now than ever before to proactively build links and remember not all content on your website\web page might be naturally linkable.
What people are more likely to organically link is to informational content like blog posts it's far less natural for people to link to something like a product page because product pages have Direct conversion pass, they are important pages to get links to so they can get higher in search results. To get back links for product pages it’s important to proactively reach out to others for product reviews and then link them back to the product page.
To sum it up if you doing SEO and not doing anything with link building then your SEO efforts will simply not be effective the key to effective link building is to compliment creating great content with manually building links.
Typical questions are
• How many links are needed to rank on page 1?
• How many links do I need my website to rank high in search results?
There is no mystic answer here that I'll make Google suddenly rank your web page over another page.
For Search engines to consider your web page over another web page with similar content, it’s your duty to make sure you have approximately the same number of links your competition web page already has.
Once you identify how many back links your completion web page has that will be your baseline target to achieve (if you can add more back links than your competitor web page then it is beneficial)
To begin with, the analysis, choose a broad topic that you want to be known for and which has a lot of long-tailed variations
Let’s consider a case where you own a Fitness center, look for a broad topic like Workout routines, now search for ‘workout routines’ results in incognito mode, scan through the search for first 10 results. Use a link checking tool like Moz explorer to scan the link results. Once you have done this for all 10 URL’s you will now have data for a number of Root domains, calculate the average number of root domains linking to these pages. This will give you a general idea of how many links you'll need in order to compete with the results on the first page of Google you trying to compete with page 1 results for the topic workout routines. There can be web pages with few back links but are still listed in the first page this is because they might have high domain authority.
The next step is to identify which piece of content should contain all those links
Go back to the top 10 results in the search for the same broad topic click into each URL and scan through the content, Try to identify the below
• What are the common themes and elements?
• What are the similarities?
• Wordings used in the information
• What is the Structure and length of the content?
• What themes & elements, if any video resource is present?
Once you identify the above 5 elements, they will serve as your framework that your content on your web page\website needs to be worked on in order to compete with your competitors.
It’s good to stand out by creating a piece of content that's completely unique, when it comes to SEO doing what others are doing well is the way forward and the only way to get you your listing to the top. It’s good to compare your website with your competitors or the page that you want to be ranked higher and see if its structured similarly and contains similar elements as your competition if it’s not then creating one with similar and common elements should be your do next.