Content is the back bone for all the activities of social media plan it also makes users to interact. Content strategy includes email newsletters, blog post, website & downloadable content inform of ebook, catalogues etc.
Top 4 advantage of great content are
Extend your reach
Deepen engagement for your brand
Build loyalty
Drive Sales
Social media content can be watched or read in places & time that the user chooses. Further Social media is used for the below 3 major reason, it also helps users to be informed and discover new trends and ideas. There is also a huge importance for entertainment video content which is key to keep users engaged.
Advantage of social content
To be informed
To be entertained
To be connected
One of the major reasons why social media is now used is to stay in touch with friends and family, It also helps users to be a part of global conversations topics, so it’s important to understand and determine the kind of the content the users are looking for and how to provide it through the content you create
In the world of Social Media there are two things that matter, the content & how the individuals on the network interact with the content. Text used to be the main source of stay in Twitter, Facebook & linkedin, but in recent years all the channels are becoming more visually prevalent, Cisco reports that 82% of all traffic on social media will be video.
Social Media Strategy should include the below
Visual content – images
Real time marketing or News jacking
Influencer content
User generated content
Visual images consists of photos, illustrations, visual graphics, with smart phone being a part of daily life there are limitless possibilities of how camera in the smart phone is used, from team meetings, customer interactions and even live telecast of updates. Animated videos gives the ability to convey emotion and also grab the attention all at the same time, complex concepts are easily communicated and explained in form of animated and video gifs.
In 2017 the concept of Stories was started by Snapchat, it was later adapted by Facebook for Instagram its essentially quick bits of content often with videos and photos, emoticons, stickers and stories disappear after 24hrs. 2.5 million People view Instagram stories on a daily basis.
An average viewing time of 32 minutes is reported by Instagram for stories, it gives a chance to create fast content that is economical to produce and delivers incredible brand awareness, and with see more option with swipe up or down which can lead to your offer page on your website which is a great way to drive traffic
Video Is an important part of content bucket, Animoto a video company says “as many as 4 times customers watch a product related video than read about the product, for product demos videos are most useful, live video is also a great way to connect with your customers.
Quiz, Surveys and polls are also a great way to get customer insight and drive marketing strategy.
Real Time marketing
Embraced by B2C companies, developing content on local, national or global events happening online or offline, doing so makes your brand part of a larger conversation, it requires Hyper focus on specific events on socials using social listening & the content needs to be created quickly.
Influencer Content
Everybody loves celebrity, influencer's are individual’s that appeal to huge audiences on a global and national scale, when they share a content people listen, they can be Celebrities, Bloggers, content creators, who have built a huge audience with their amazing ideas and creative imagery. It’s more advantageous to work with such influencer's rather than celebrities both from cost and reach perspective.
User Generated Content
One of the most important content generator, which is also referred as Holy Grail for content referred as UGC, Content such as Blog post, tweet, images, videos and reviews developed by a fan of your company or your product and they share it one their social channel, its one of the best kind of social content, reports indicate that 76% of the people trust the content shared by average people than a Brand. You can influence the UGC by offering rewards, contest or giveaways.
In the world of social media things continue to shift and change constantly, its important to experiment with different types of content and platforms, the challenge is the algorithm changes regularly for social channels, what works well now might not work the next week, the better bet is to check your social analytics to find out what content is really resonating with your users, also AB testing to fine tune your process.